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  • #89302
    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    Hmm, can you give us a sample? What is missing in detail and how you would have the documentation? Write down the desired way of documentation. That will help for further discussion. At the moment everything you complain is really vague.


    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    Profile photo of Kris KurowskiKris Kurowski

    Can you stop behaving like a self-important, entitled asshole? Are you some sort of a angry diva? All you post on this forums (in multiple sections) is -hardly comprehensible rambling- that is mostly off topic. You need a reality check dude. Go for a walk or something.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer

    @Kris Krowski

    gratuitous insult noted.

    I am logical and factual and call them as they are.

    Profile photo of Mfk0815Mfk0815

    @volounteer Ok, now I know what is your intention. All what we can do is to not even ignore you. You are not willing to do a constructive discussion so it ends now for me.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    I would say about the same, but didn’t dare it 😉


    I am logical and factual and call them as they are.

    no, not really
    you trying to piss us all off and your wording is not ok sometimes

    Profile photo of LBETLBET

    “You are one out of 10.000 that complain about the poor docs” Poppycock!

    Let’s make that 2/10000 or 1/5000. I was quite surprised when we received our board that the docs were almost non existent. No detailed operation, setup or maintenance manual was included and the stuff that was sent was little more than a getting started guide.

    Cool, so I’ll go to YouTube. Well, the you tube videos were quite short and also not very detailed.

    Ok, so you want to talk cars? Though I know how to drive, the car manufacture saw fit to create a detailed 500+ page manual that speaks to every single aspect of the vehicles operation, maintenance and service requirements. And as a special bonus, they included a separate manual for the entertainment system, android auto and apple car play.

    I think both A&H and the mods on this site need to understand that both work flows and setup need to be better supported in the docs and that getting better at Customer Support itself is a worth while investment. This thread is actually a perfect case study on the impact of sub optimal customer interactions. I can only pray Steffen R that you don’t work for A+H as your curt responses seem to be quite lacking in empathy, mercy and humility.

    Profile photo of LBETLBET


    So you feel that a full printed manual for each GLD board would be an Ecological Disaster? Do you really think that? If you do, how would you characterize a library or a daily newspaper?

    I think using hyperbole to deflect and defend a deficiency is quite unfortunate and bewildering.

    Profile photo of volounteervolounteer


    your latest insult noted , AGAIN.

    THE DOCUMENTATON *SUCKS* at doing what it needs to do.
    I do not want to play another version of (that old computer game) ‘adventure’ trying to find out what the game is about.

    Not sure what your problem is but my logic makes spock look like he is still in 1st grade.
    I trained as a mathematician in grad school and I do know how to use logic and reject PC nonsense.
    I was a professional writer and I know what good documentation is.

    This documentation is not bad for being written by engineers, but falls far short of what it needs to be.
    AH cut corners to give an absolute minimum and hoped utoob would fill in the rest as people helped each other.

    Profile photo of LBETLBET

    “This documentation is not bad for being written by engineers, but falls far short of what it needs to be.
    AH cut corners to give an absolute minimum and hoped utoob would fill in the rest as people helped each other.”

    Agreed. I worked as a software development PM and Scrum Master specializing in mobile application APIs and documentation was part of the project’s deliverables. I expect it to be complete and make sense in terms of what the API, or in this case GLD, is designed to do. I don’t think it’s too much to ask as we paid 5k or so for our GLD and BB was giving the APIs, dev tools and docs away for free.

    I can only pray to my God that the Avantis docs are more comprehensive.

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    this thread was a discussion about a problem with routing
    not with the documentation

    I still want to know if we could help the thread starter…

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