SQ4You-Connect Wireless Headphones

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  • #126225
    Profile photo of FMarinoJrFMarinoJr

    I’m trying to set up personal mixes for musicians on the SQ4You App. The soundboard I’m using is a SQ-5 and I have stereo channels assigned to them. I have been able to successfully connect the app to the board and their mix to the correct mix. I may be using wrong terminology, basically I’m saying the musicians are able to adjust their personal mix on the app and I can see the changes on the board under their own personal bus. I’m struggling with how do I get that sound to their headphones? Currently, they are wanting to use wireless headphones but they can not hear any sound coming into their headphones? Is there something I’m supposed to set up separately for them to hear the sound in their headphones on the board or app? I saw a video where, if I understood correctly, the App is not made to output sound-just act as a “remote” for the mix.

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