Adjust channel or master level while on eq screen

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ General Discussions Adjust channel or master level while on eq screen

  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Profile photo of GG.
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  • #123368
    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    This may be a basic or dumb question but Iโ€™ve yet to find the answer. In order to ring out a feedback itโ€™s always been customary to be in the eq screen screen and be able to bring up the level to the ring point. Adjust the offending freq either by ear or looking at the RTA. I cant see how to do this. What am I missing? I cant find a way to do that.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    You can use CQMixPad or MS to achieve that.
    You will have two different screens to control your inputs.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    This should be a basic thing. Can do it on any other mixer. The channel fader should be available in the selected screen.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I have the 12T and I can’t adjust a chanel’s fader while in the GEQ or PEQ.
    I need to have extra tablet or midi controller.
    Maybe with the 18T and 20B soft rotaries can manage that.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Shouldnt be like this. Needs to be in a maintenance fix should have been there in the beginning

    Profile photo of GG

    I have a pretty good work around for the time being. With Custom layers now available, simply put MainLR on as many of your input layers as you would like. now there’s no frustrating going back and. forth. Further, If you don’t want the MainLR showing up there the whole time you can simply toggle between regular layers and custom layers as needed. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Profile photo of SmilzoSmilzo


    simply put MainLR on as many of your input layers

    The request is to put level in the eq page (processing), seems reasonable, as changing eq can mess a lot with perceived level!

    Profile photo of GG

    @smilzo I understand your point. It is a good one. But the issue here is ringing out feedback and doing it efficiently on one page. With CQ there are a couple ways to do it. I believe my suggestion may help @GCumbee the way they like to do it. Also there is the feedback assistant option.

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