dLive out and about
2015/11/13 in On Tour
From Thailand to Brazil, sound engineers are loving it – check out our FB page to know where and when dLive has been put to its paces!
Oscar Soederlund (Parashoot) is touring once again with Ane Brun with his new S7000 and DM64. The tour has touched Finland, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and is now heading for Germany, France, Switzerland, the UK, Ireland and Denmark. Here’s what Oscar told us after the first couple of gigs: ‘This is THE console!!! It sounds some f…ing amazing. Dial in and enjoy the magic’.
Another S7000 was used in Bangkok for Hugo ‘Under City Light’ concert with Wichak Chanmuang at FoH.
The Festival Promessas in Sao Paulo relied on dLive at FoH and Monitors, feeding a massive d&b J system (36x J8, 30x J-Sub, 8x V-series, 2x delay towers with 8x J8 each) for the 30,000 audience.
Biggsounds in Australia has already used dLive on several shows (Oka Collective, Ash Grunwald, The Waifs and Mia Dyson). Adam commented: ‘Absolutely killer board, so very happy with it! The channel processing is top notch, and the FX are smile inducing’.
Not a bad start for our new flagship mixing system!