SQ6 Mutes and USB Out to DAW

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  • #128093
    Profile photo of chrishetchrishet

    Hi Folks! I am hoping to get a solution to an issue we are struggling with at our church. We are sending a multi-track signal, via usb, to our Logic DAW, and performing some FX on there for our OBS livestream. We cannot seem to get mutes to pass thru using this config. Ideally we would like whatever is muted on our SQ to pass through to prevent us from having a dedicated sound guy just for our livestream. We tried setting the Global Direct Out setting to Follow Mute but that didn’t seem to work. I’m considering a DAW controller or using an SQ layer for DAW control but that seems like such a hassle….I’m pretty new to the SQ so bare with me…lol…Thoughts?

    Best Regards,

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    It sounds like you may have the signals going to the USB (Logic) patched using Tie Lines. These are socket to socket connections, so there is no processing/level/mute control involved.
    The Global Direct Out settings to follow mutes (and/or faders) will definitely work if you have the Input Direct Outputs patched to USB.

    Hope this helps!

    Profile photo of chrishetchrishet

    Thanks! I will give this a try.


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