SigGen pan control for stereo buses?

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ feature suggestions SigGen pan control for stereo buses?

This topic contains 13 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of advance advance 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Profile photo of woutersnoei

    Hi, I usually use pink noise from the signal generator to check the connections to speakers after setting up. I was a bit surprised that I could not send noise to L or R separately. Not on the mainLR and not on any stereo mix bus or matrix. How do I know if I didn’t accidentally switch L and R around when connecting?

    Could this feature be added? Either hard L/R/both choice per stereo bus or perhaps a global pan pot for the generated noise that applies to all assigned stereo buses.

    Profile photo of Alex A&H
    Alex A&H

    Hi Woutersnoei,

    Another way to achieve this would be to assign the signal generator to an input channel. You can then use the pan on the input channel to test any stereo mix bus.

    You can do the above in the current firmware.


    Profile photo of advance

    you can do it by panning the mixbus your sending to. choose the bus, LR for instance, then press the “preference or patching” whatever it’s called icon on that mixbus. there you can pan the mixbus itself. i always do it that way when checking the connected speakers. a little clumsy, but it works. to be able to do it from the osc page, would be much more elegant and faster.

    Profile photo of paullorenz

    +1 for that request

    I also tried the fader tweak but in my opinion you are to slow with this method if you need to be fast during changeovers.

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    assign it to a chanel and save it to a scene for recall

    Profile photo of woutersnoei

    I agree with paullorenz on this; apart from the fact that unnecessary resources are used by the method described, it is a workaround that requires extra time. Of course it can be programmed ahead, but one of the strengths of these mixers is how fast you can work with them. Everything is well-designed and effective, so it is actually possible to “improvise” with them. Which in some cases is needed. In that respect I find it strange that such a basic thing requires a workaround, while it could be implemented with a simple, intuitive balance control (the screen real-estate is already there; where normally the pan pot is) that would require virtually no extra cpu power and actually improve routing flexibility a lot.. (and perhaps compensate a bit for the limited amount of matrix buses 😉 )

    Profile photo of Lozion

    I use the i/o pane for a quick l/r check by checking and unchecking mix out assignments..

    Profile photo of OlivierM


    Profile photo of ianhind


    Profile photo of Coronos


    Profile photo of SteffenR

    assign it to a chanel and use the channel instead
    after the use you can put the TB on that channel

    Profile photo of ianbuss

    +1 for this. I know it’s a tight spot to fit things on that screen but it would be worth it

    Profile photo of Carl N
    Carl N

    +1, it would be very handy to pink out the whole PA from the sig gen screen

    Profile photo of advance

    +1, yes would be much faster, without switching between tabs on that screen.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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