AHM Custom Control Layouts

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  • #126519
    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    I don’t currently have an AHM to test this yet but one of my concerns is how I’m going to handle changing custom control layouts based on which presets I’ve recalled. For instance, if the AHM is being used to control multiple rooms, I may need to recall presets in one room without having that affect the layouts currently being displayed in another room.

    I plan on using level sensing with a signal generator loop to test for whether or not a console is on an active, and when on I need it to basically disable all controls on the CC7 wall panel. This is pretty simple and easy to do on it’s own, just by having that recall a different preset, but the issue arrises when I’m trying to do the same thing in multiple rooms and I’ll need to be able to recall presets for individual rooms.

    With the recall scope I can limit the effects on the processing side of things, just not the control side of things on custom control.

    I’m thinking that the only way to do this is going to just be having many many duplicates of scenes for every possible permutation of any arrangements.

    Anybody else have any other ideas? Or is this something that could be added in an update to allow each “profile” to be tied to a certain room and then those layouts only change per profile when a relevant preset is recalled? And then if any preset that is not tied to a certain room is recalled, it is simply ignored?

    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    Also, for example I may be using some buttons to recall presets for the sole purpose of sending out tcp/ip commands, and I don’t want those to be changing the layouts on different custom control profiles

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    While I don’t use this functionality, I know the CC system allows you to design and load specific layouts based on “users”. So it may be easiest if you a “user” for each unique room you want to control. I also believe you can load certain layouts based on scenes as well (and you can limit which layouts react to which scenes). However I believe you design and implement this functionality in the CC Editor which is why you haven’t found much in the scene manage or scene filter system.

    I know A&H has recorded some CC seminars on Youtube that might be helpful in your research. They cover a lot of information.

    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    I’m planning on using the different users to handle different layouts for each room/space, but my concern is that on the presets list, lets say I have presets 1-10 active for this layout on this user, as soon as any preset outside of this 1-10 is recalled it will end up blanking out my display, What I’d like to see is the ability in custom control to just always maintain the last active layout unless a new one is specifically recalled.

    For example, I have a “lobby” user, and the lobby user has 3 different layouts depending on what state the system is currently in. In addition, I may also have a “patio” user that also has 3 different layouts. I need the ability to change between the 3 layouts for the patio without affecting which layout is recalled on the lobby and vice versa. So maybe my patio presets are 20-30, my lobby presets are 1-10, and unless a preset 1-10 is recalled, any other preset recall outside of that range just doesn’t do anything to my lobby layouts

    Profile photo of Nicola A&HNicola A&H

    This is a known limitation of the Layout – Preset dependency in Custom Control. It’s on our list of things to improve, and while I cannot promise it will make the next version or give an ETA, it is certainly high on that list.

    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    Thanks Nicola, that’s good to know that it is at least definitely on your list. For now I think I’m just going to have to go through and make every possible permutation of layout/preset combinations that I will have, but because I’ll have to do this manually I’ll probably just end up with a more limited functionality than if I were able to split these out and have it taken care of automatically.

    Hopefully those changes can get made in this coming update, and hopefully sooner than later

    Profile photo of AdamsFlysAdamsFlys

    Also, this is more of a custom control thing, but it may help solve some of these issues as well. Would it be possible to have a single button trigger multiple “custom IP” commands? For instance, I may want to control multiple things simultaneously, and currently the only way to do that is by recalling a single preset with multiple embedded presets, each with their own custom IP command. Allowing custom control to have a single button send out multiple custom IP strings would definitely help me avoid having to have so many presets and layouts

    Profile photo of JHoJHo

    For layouts can we have the option for the tab menubar on the left side? Not only top and buttom?

    And it would be very helpful if the fontssize could be fixed and not dynamic with the boxsize and how many chars.

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