AHM pfl function

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  • #128274
    Profile photo of AppieAppie


    is there a pfl function in the AHM by default, or do i nee to program a set of presets to route signals to an monitordedicated output ?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H


    In AHM, this is the ‘Monitor’ output, which can be patched from the I/O screen and follows your mouse over or currently selected processing in the Channels screens.


    Profile photo of AppieAppie


    thx, but i guess i was not clear enough in my question. The monitorfunction i do know, which is fine during setup or troubleshooting. But i would like a PFL function that can be triggert by buttons on the IP8 or ipad control…

    Profile photo of Tatsuya NakamuraTatsuya Nakamura

    I also feel it is necessary.

    In PFL mode, the sound can be easily checked by operating the INPUT button on the unit or iPad without using the mouse.
    It would also be nice to be able to always hear the signal (out) assigned in the settings when the PLF button is not pressed.

    We feel that ease of use is necessary when using this product as a set with monitor speakers.

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