Dlive screen view

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of SteffenR SteffenR 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #104401
    Profile photo of audioprod

    I have a question about the screen view. When I want to change the equalizer or compressor setting I have to go to the corresponding menu to see the parameters on the screen. Is it possible when touch a knob or button on the compressor, gate or eq it automatically switches the screen view?
    Thank you!

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    gate or compressors have dedicated knobs and buttons in the right area only… and you see the parameters when you turn the knobs…
    touching the histogram will open the corresponding screen

    the EQ has its own south area widget to show various visualizations of the EQ parameters and if you tip on the south area widget it opens the corresponding screen on the main area

    but this only applies when the processing screen is selected, if a different screen is selected this stays open since the intention was to open a special screen…
    but the areas stay as configured

    You can try the Director on any PC or MAC in offline mode to check the behavior…

    Profile photo of Wolfgang

    This is how it is.
    I would like to describe it differently.

    There are four areas on the screen:
    – The main area in the middle, where you can choose between Bank, Overview, Preamp … etc.
    – the left area, which shows an overview of Gain, Trim and the Hipass and Lopass filters.
    – the lower area, which shows the EQ depending on the configuration.
    – the right section, which is also configurable

    If you now set up the functions “Gate and Compressor” in the right-hand area of the screen, for example on Page 1, a rough overview of these functions is displayed there.

    As soon as you select a channel with the SEL button, these outer areas are filled with the functions of the channel.
    To bring one of the functions to the centre of the main area, simply tap on it with your finger – the corresponding function is immediately displayed in large and detailed form.
    This also works with the other areas such as gain or filter or EQ.

    And it is all very well described in the firmware reference guide 😉

    Profile photo of audioprod

    Thank you for the answers!
    I know these options to customize the view, but I asked for something else.
    No matter which menu is on the screen when touch EQ, gate or compressors dedicated knobs and buttons, automatically
    change the main area on the screen.
    For example, when the “Scenes” menu is on the screen and you have to quickly adjust something to EQ, the exact parameters are not visible.
    Yes, it is possible to set the lower area to show EQ, and the right area compressor and gate, but I often work with RTA and AUX send level in these areas of the screen.

    Profile photo of SteffenR

    It would not reflect my workflow, so no wish from my side to change the behaviour regarding this…
    the screens change only if processing is activated and that’s fine for me…

    I think the intention was to hold the screen open for the task you trying to do… FX editing, scene operations, patching…
    and it’s critical with the one screen surfaces only, on the dual screen surfaces you have ons screen dedicated to channel operations…

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