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  • #42541
    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    @Stix- no such item on the Qu-series scene-screen.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Yet another one: Is there a way to change the order of scenes? There is a copy/paste-function, but it doesn´t help much if the band decides to change the sequence of songs.


    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Yes, that is the most straightforward way to do it.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Ok Nicola, get that. But back to the more serious issue that needs to be addressed: accidentally overwriting wrong scenes. It makes absolutely no sense at all to have more information on screen about the next scene than the active one. You have to pay special attention not to make catastrophic mistakes. The store-function is counterintuitive, and it represents a kind of logic nobody wants to adapt to. Please change this in future revisions.

    Tuomas Kolehmainen

    Helsinki, Finland

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    It is interesting, though… the mute-group soft assignments seem to have different logic compared to eg. scene-functions. They work on every scene, once defined, whether they are blocked, or not. Still stumbling & fumbling.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Yep. But what Nicola did not tell us, is that as far as softkey-settings go, a global filter is really not very global… I set up my soft 1 to be a panic button-all killed. I later realised that you have to go to the mute-group assignments-page for every single scene to activate the mutes, if you have the softkeys blocked. In hindsight this is probably obvious. All this fuzzy logic reveals itself in small increments…

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Seems to be that way- take a look at the overwrite-dialogs scene number as you press store.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Coming to terms with that now… but there’s yet another one: this rather stupid idea of queueing the next scene, rather than directly recalling it when you press next. I have been overwriting wrong scenes, because the right half of the window shows information for the next scene, and if you press ‘store’, you are storing your current settings on the next scene, not the active one. This is something I would not want to remember every time I work on a scene, something that’s very easy to do inadvertently. So, you have to be sure to highlight the current scene from the list, and then store, not very streamlined. Like said, too much info for a simple function is confusing. I would very much like to have the highlight on what is happening at the moment, not in some foreseeable future

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    A good one about “soft” keyboards… did another hard reset, and defined filters & safes on the first scene. Assigned softkeys again, and they seem to be working now, what a relief! To be on the safe side, I copied the settings of the first scene to all following scenes in the show, and now when I move to the next song, I tweak the copy and store it, simple enuff.

    I think I’m gonna do the show with a Qu-24 after all.


    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    OK, sorry Bob. I thought you were mocking me, because your previous had all those typos. Dark humor will prevail in the end. Going back behind the board tomorrow morning, really need to figure out this scene-thing, or else my boss will show me a mean scene… still feel that my suggestion concerning the way scene-changes could work is plausible. Heavy geeks could stack their preferred workload on top of the default setting. I am not against options to configure the equipment in any which way, not by any means, but I am a firm believer in simple is beautiful. I’m just an old guy, trying to find a way to keep an analog mind in a digital “world”.

    P.S. I did define the softs, before trying to make a scene

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    …and it is perfectly crystal clear for me now, why Steely Dan is touring with XL4. Not ProX8, or whatever…

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    So,Bob, you are telling me there is no bug in the scene recall-system? And that I am just plain stupeed? Referring to a previous post of mine- live sound mixing should be a straightforward operation. I need answers, not your kind of B.S. You did not answer my question. Thank you very much.

    Let us see how the scene recalls work tomorrow, I still feel there’s a ghost in the machine. Or then there is just the idiotic idea, that softkey assignments are not globally stored, once done on softkey assign- page.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    Set what? No safes/no filters in any scene at the moment, and I repeat: Do I need to block softkeys in filters or safes for them to follow scene-changes? Having a hard time to believe that someone would need different softkey-configurations per scene… too many functions piled up leads to confusion. The new SSL seems to be the epitome of so many ways to work the console, that youse gots no need to listen to the music any more.

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    So, what I’m asking, is: Do you need to store the the softkey-settings for every scene separately, somehow? And if so, why & how ?

    Profile photo of Stonepiano

    @Bob- I was thinking along those lines… like said, all safes and filters are inactive. Do you mean that softkey-assignments do not follow scene changes,unless they are blocked? I went trough various “blockage-schemes”, trying to figure out the logic, then settled for “all allow”, because I got confuchean.

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