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  • #118074
    Profile photo of Lobo

    ok, I found it… I was searching in the I/O grid and the routing options in the FX unit itself and was not aware, that in the input select of each channel there are some more options to choose from!

    Profile photo of Lobo

    Would be nice in general to have to some multibus paning options like QUAD or 5.1 etc.

    Profile photo of Lobo

    Hi Nicola,
    Thats a good point, havenĀ“t thought about it yet beacause I always associated the DCA spill with a DCA Fader on the surface. But the option to use a softkey instead could be a good option to create more “virtual” Layers. Thanks.

    Profile photo of Lobo

    Thanks Brian.
    Mixing Station seems to be a very intresting app though. Not only for AVANTIS but also for other projects where I was looking for a customizable surface to control onnly a few things in a digital mixer. Should give it a deeper look!

    Profile photo of Lobo

    Thanks Jack,
    if you use the console always in the same setup it might be a possible solution, but during a show I need that the strip layout changes with every scene…
    No need for an additional sceen, just looking for more fader LAYERS.
    But nevertheless, enhancing the possibilities of the fast grab rotaries to volume control would be great.
    Talking about director, when will the new version with the solo included be available?

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