USB streaming to / from PC/Windows

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions USB streaming to / from PC/Windows

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    Profile photo of Ermep01Ermep01

    In the “Features not supported by v1.0” you state “USB streaming to / from an Apple Mac is supported by V.1.0 firmware,
    but PC/Windows currently not supported” so I assume this is coming in the future!
    There are many PC users….. It’s not only Mac in the bussiness!

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Yes. I would love that as well

    Profile photo of topdjtopdj

    please this would be very welcomed

    Profile photo of Ermep01Ermep01

    After contact with A&H Support on another issue (recording) I asked for the feature to USB streaming on a PC.
    This was the answer: “as for PC connectivity, I guess if there is enough people on the forum asking for this it will definitely help to see the demand is there”
    So if there are any PC-users please react on this topic. I can’t imagine it’s only Mac-users using the QU-16….

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I hope that they will releas USB streaming to PC, if not I am forced to return the consol even though I love the sound of it.

    But I guess there aren’t that much registered user in the forum.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Also I guess that there are many users, who would like the console by itself, but didn’t buy it because of that issue.
    Logically, these potential customers are in here neither.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I hope they will release USB streaming to PC/Windows very soon. And I wonder what the strategy behind waiting for demands is. When I think of potential users, I think of musicians ond homerecorder besides live sound, rental and installed sound companies. Most of them are working Windows based. But will they ASK for USB-Windows streaming? I don´t think so at all. When they see the information that the mixer is only compatible with Mac they will immediately go on and buy Behringer X32 producer or Soundcraft.

    Qu-16 is such a great product, it is really well done, thumbs up! From my point of view it would be easy to get a big piece of the musicians and homerecording cake and maybe also “create” future customers for GLD … And how? USB PC/Windows compatibility! 😉

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I thought I finally found the mixing / recording solution I’ve been looking for right up to the bit when it said “USB streaming only on Mac”.

    Plenty of other products support streaming on both Mac / Windows platforms, please introduce this and you’ll definitely get a sale from me…

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    This is a deciding issue for me too. It does not have to happen right now, but I don’t think I’ll buy one if I don’t get a statement that it will come.

    The Qu-drive is a winning argument for me, but if it is not supposed to become M$ compatible I think I’ll have to put my money elsewhere. Too bad on such a fine product!

    So: Will it be implemented or not?

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    Just to be shure.. you can use the Qu-Drive with windows! Record your Tracks in a external HD with the Qu-Drive. Then you can use any software on any platform for audio mastering!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yea, but thats not what I want for a semi professional studio environment. I guess no one do.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Qu-Drive is definately a great feature – for live recordings. But as already said it will not make any Win user buy the qu-16 to use it in a studio environment.

    Is there a chance to get a statement from AH regarding this topic?

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I’m using Windows only and I definitely need this feature if the Qu-drive modes
    – “Multitrack Record + Multitrack Playback simultaneously” and
    – “Stereo Record + Multitrack Playback simultaneously”
    are not being implemented.

    Profile photo of eurobuieeurobuie

    Multi-track record absolutely should be PC and windows. otherwise allen and heath will miss out on a lot of people that only have PCs. I’d Use it.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Yes, I know. If I, as an amateur, spending that amount of money is not that interesting if I can’t cover all my needs. I can get all the features/quality I _need_ for half the money buying another brand. But then comes the features/quality I _want_… 🙂

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