Tie USB stereo recording to sub mix (not LR mains)

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  • #116438
    Profile photo of MoStylesMoStyles

    I would like to record my band practice in just stereo, but I don’t run all instruments (e.g., drums) out the LR Main. Can the USB hard drive only be attached to the LR Mains, or could I set it to a sub mix to I can control what goes to the USB separate from the mains?

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @MoStyles

    You can send any of the outputs/mixes to the USB stereo recorder by selecting them as the last stereo USB output in the channel assignments to USB, as shown in the user guide here – https://www.allen-heath.com/content/uploads/2023/09/CQ_User_Guide_V1_1_0_iss1.pdf#page=64&zoom=auto,-361,555

    If the mix is set pre-fader, it can be completely different (in terms of input levels) to the main LR output 🙂


    Profile photo of MoStylesMoStyles

    This was very helpfull and I have been able to change the USB recording to 5/6 output. That sovles the issue of recording any channel I want seperate from the main out. Thank You!

    2nd Question: In regards to tracking mutlicHannel on the SD card, Is there an easy way to playback to the main monitors L/R without flipping each input source to SD/CD/USB then adjust all the fader levels acourding? (I don’t have all instruments going to the mains/monitors) Could I also assign this to an output mix for playback like the USB? A band often the wants a quick playback to know if they need another take. Current way takes me about 5 minutes just to get the inputs and faders levels changed.
    Thanks for all the help!

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