SQ6: Feeding Main Left or Right out into multiple Aux mixes

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    Profile photo of RobGRobG

    Before acquiring an SQ6 I need to know if the following solution will work. I need to feed the Left or Right Main Out mix into multiple Aux mixes, each of which in turn would be output to various other devices that need different input levels, delays, maybe FX and other customizations which I can apply in the Aux mixes. I know this is what matrixes are for, but the SQ6 only has 3 and I need 6. I think the following might be a good workaround: Patch the Main Out to an output port and wire that directly back into a spare input port patched to a spare channel. I could turn that channel off for the Main LR mix, but feed it into any number of Aux mixes. Please let me know of any gotcha’s I’m not seeing. THANKS!

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    If you have enough spare analog outputs and inputs, along with enough spare channels and auxes, that technique will work.

    However because you are sending the signal out of the console via the analog outputs and then back into console via the analog inputs, you will loose the “automatic latency compensation” feature of the console with these signals. Now if you route all 6 instances out and back into the console, they should all still have the same latency. They will just be more latent than other audio paths that only goes through the console once. But if you decide to handle three of the audio paths using Matrixes and three of the audio paths via this “out and back in” technique, those two audio paths will have different amounts of latency. If the signals are going out to independant/unrelated destinations (individual IEM for example), then it really doesn’t matter if the total latency is different. But if you are sending those signals to related destinations (like different PA speakers in the same room), then it can absolutely cause some severe timing/comb filtering issues unless you plan for and mitigate the difference in total latency.

    Profile photo of RobGRobG

    Brian you have been VERY helpful. Thanks for your time and your prompt response!

    Profile photo of GeoffGeoff

    You may not be able to send the L/R mix to individual AUXes, but you can send the output of buses that are configured as groups (fixed level) to the other variable level AUXes. I discovered this by accident last weekend when I thought I was bringing up the Main PA level (I generally use a group for main PA, rather than the L/R mix), but it came up in one of the monitor mixes instead. I’m blaming it on my inability to see the iPad clearly in bright sunlight. 😉

    If you wanted only the left or right, rather than the sum of the two, you could make the AUXes stereo, and just pick off the left or right side. That won’t burn any more physical output ports on the console or stage boxes.


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