I’m using a Samsung SSD for SQ Drive in multitrack mode (48kHz/32 channels), without apparent problem for recording or playback. By default, I patch all 32 tracks, so each recording has 32 .wav files associated with it.
Is it possible to manipulate this directory structure on a Windows PC to save space on the drive without formatting? i.e.
– Can you rename each recording with a sensible name (e.g. a song title) ?
– Can you delete a full recording (i.e. the directory including all 32 .wav files) ?
– If there are unused tracks, can individual unused .wav files be deleted ? (Yes, I know they woudn’t be recorded if there wasn’t an I/O patch entry for them…) Does the desk software on replay use the available files to utilise the individual tracks?
– If either or both the above work, can the Windows de-fragment tool be used on the drive to optimise the disk for subsequent recording?
I’m not in front of the desk at the minute, otherwise I would try some of these; also I have looked through the Support topics and this forum for answers to the above without success.