Hi guys,
I need help urgently as I have a live event this weekend and I hope my PA speakers are not blown in anyways. Yesterday I decided to test my system by a Sine wave sweep. Tops are 2 CV P1500x and CVA118. Sine wave was generated from QU16 with low volume at -20dB with LR at unity. System was also set to clip just after the console clips. Now the problem was when sweeping the Sine wave, I hear some crackling and popping noise like when you dial between radio stations coming from the speakers but not sure if it’s from the subs or tops. I tested with subs and tops at same time with Xover at 85Hz. I only swept between 60Hz-8kHz but did it quite fast (maybe 30secs) and the cracklings could be heard with every frequency changes but it sounded ok when I stopped at any certain frequencies.
Is this normal because as far as I can tell, the speakers sounds ok playing music at very high level.
This isn’t an issue I’m aware of on the Qu, but to check if it is the Qu making the noise, can you check the LR mix in the headphones to see if it is there too?
You can open a ticket at support.allen-heath.com if you would like further assistance with this.