Signal (about 30Hz) on several unused Channels

Forums Forums Avantis Forums Avantis troubleshooting Signal (about 30Hz) on several unused Channels

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Iwantthis Iwantthis 1 week, 1 day ago.

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  • #122768
    Profile photo of Iwantthis

    Hey there

    My Avantis Console is showing two different static levels (really low, until about 30Hz) on several unused s-link channels. There is no Preamp because i habe onli two DX168.
    The signals are showing always on the same channels, even after restart.
    Its like a pattern: ch38 high, ch39/40 nothing, ch41 low – then it repeats. Ch42 high, ch43/44 nothing, ch45 low

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance…

    Profile photo of Iwantthis

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    Profile photo of jyradelix

    What do you have routed to those channels? I don’t see preamp so it’s not an analog input. Have you accidentally routed the signal generator or something else? Maybe snap a pic of the channel preamp tab for one of those channels. Specifically the source select setting.

    Profile photo of Iwantthis

    Thanks for your reply!

    I have nothing routed. It‘s set to s-link by default but because i have onli two DX168, only the firs 32 chanbels are available, so on the preamp page a red cross appears beside the channel number.

    As i said, the signal is like unreal deep. 30Hz and below and as you can see it‘s only in two different strenght.

    When i reboot the console the signal could be a few db lower or higher but in the same pattern and really consistent. Not like a noise generator, more like a bug:-):-)

    Profile photo of Brian

    As jyradelix suggested, please post a screenshot of one of the channel’s preamp page. That will help us see what is really going on.

    Profile photo of Iwantthis

    Yesterday, after the desk was shut down for the whole night, the signals were gone!
    Seriously no change, no reload of a show or something, just booting up!

    I will be able to make a screenshot of the Preamp page ok friday but i don‘t understand, what you hope to find there. As i said, by default the unused channels are routed to s-link but with only two DX168, the channels abive 32 are not available, a red cross appears beside the channel selection box.
    It looks exactly the same on the channels with the signal and those without signal.

    Thank you very much and ok friday evening i will post the screenshot.

    Profile photo of Brian

    Well if it was a “bug” that self corrected itself, then there is no need to post a screenshot. We asked for a screenshot because in about 98% of these situations, it’s really user error. In your case, it was not.

    Profile photo of Iwantthis

    Attach the Image of the Preamp-Page of a channel which had the faulty signal.

    As i said, it seems that the bug corrected by itself and i hope, it never will come back:)

    By the way, yesterday, suddenly all channels where highlighted wirhout touching them. Nothing with the grounding changed. It‘s not a big problem but so i had to deactivate the „highlight on touch“ function.

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