Setting Layers in scenes?

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    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but is there any way to set a particular layer when recalling a scene? It’s not a big deal but in configuring a church system for occasional use by completely clueless users (it happens!), it would be nice to be able associate a “reset to default” scene with a softkey that not only brought everything to a default configuration, but set the layers to A (say).


    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    You can do “freeze in layers” which is probably scene recallable. If you freeze all the faders it doesn’t matter what layer you’re on as they’re all the same.

    If the users are actually using more than one layer I can’t see how they’d have an issue changing to the one they want as they’d be doing it already.


    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Good ideas, but the problem is there are two classes of user. Those who know about and use the multiple layers, and those who know nothing and basically just switch on and poke the occasional fader. Since it defaults to layer A when you switch on, those will never see anything other than layer A, UNLESS someone has been using it before them and leaves it on, with some other layer selected.

    I guess the solution is education, but if there were a single “make it like normal” button, that would be an easier task. I think logging in would be beyond such users 🙁

    Thanks anyway.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    Right, but just have a scene where everything from layer A is frozen, then whatever layer they happen to be on when that scene is recalled effectively becomes layer A.


    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Ah yes! I see what you mean. Good thinking. I’ll give that a go.


    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    Ah! There’s no freeze in layers button on the editor:-( I’ll have to wait till I get my hands on the real hardware, I think.


    Profile photo of pilotspikepilotspike

    I dont think you can do this unless they added in 1.4. I tried setting this up a while ago for my church’s staff. I couldn’t find anyway to cause a given layer to come up upon scene recall.

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    What you can do that will work is set up your basic user scene with exactly the same strip assign settings for all layers. “Manual freezing” if you will.

    You’ll want another scene with the normal layout to let your normal users put everything back though.


    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    You can freeze strips in the editor by right-clicking on the blue “MIX” button.


    Profile photo of pilotspikepilotspike

    I can see where you could likely do that and have the freeze in layer active for the current state of the show file. However, can you save that freeze in layer setting in a scene?

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    I’d assume it’s part of the “strip assign” filter.


    Profile photo of MikeShandMikeShand

    The “manual” technique of assigning all the layers to be the same certainly works, but I can’t find a way of making “freeze in layer” save in a scene.

    But if there were a way to set the initial layer in a scene that would be so much more elegant.


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