Scene Recall Filters

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Dave Dave 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #106222

    Hello All,

    Recently started using a scene by scene method to our worship set. One Scene Per song allowing more processing power person without having to remember all things we’ve changed. With that said, we have 6 stereo Aux in use for wireless IEMS. When saving scenes even frequently throughout rehearsals, Ive gotten comments from the singers who mix via OneMix on iPads. When I change the scene there mix is then reverted to the last saved version I saved on that particular scene. which is different from what had just been previously their “mix” in the song prior.

    My question to whom ever can help explain. Can I take advantage of the scene recall filters per scene/song, to allow the 6 Aux mixes to stay the same though the service and multiple scene changes?

    Also I couldn’t find any documentation of using this feature in any manual or user guide. If you know where I can find this particular topic please fill me in.

    Thank you -damien

    Profile photo of Dave

    Yep, you just need to setup the recall filters. Or I’d recommend using global safes, just so you don’t have to worry about it on a per-scene basis.


    Would you know what in global safes exactly to enable/disable?

    Profile photo of quantum

    I agree that Global Safes are the most efficient way to accomplish your objective.

    Profile photo of Dave

    Would you know what in global safes exactly to enable/disable?

    Sure, hit the “Scenes” button along the right side of the right screen (or the only screen, depending on whether you’ve got a 1 or 2-screen surface), then tap on the “Global Safes” tab along the top, then select “Mixes” along the left (it’s under “Inputs”, which is under where it says “Scenes” along the top of the screen near the upper-left corner). Then, let’s say that your IEM mixes are on stereo auxes 9-12 and they’re labeled as “IEM 1”, “IEM 2”, etc. You want to tap the “+” button next to where it says “St Aux 1-10”, which will expand out to show the settings for the stereo auxes 1-10. Then you want to select the “All” button immediately to the right of your first two IEM mixes, which in this example are labeled “IEM 1” and “IEM 2”. Then hit the “-” button next to “St Aux 1-10” (you might need to scroll up) to collapse them back down and hit the “+” button next to “St Aux 11-20” (or wherever it stops), and tap the “All” button next to “IEM 3” and “IEM 4”. Then, and, this is very important, make sure you apply the changes. It should ask you before it lets you leave the screen, but I’m not sure if there’s a way to disable that so I thought I’d just point out that it’s all pointless if you don’t do that last part.

    I hope that was helpful!

    Profile photo of Dave

    (You probably don’t actually need to make the entire aux recall-safe, but I can’t think of why you wouldn’t want to. Also, if you ever get a monitor engineer, setup the FOH and Monitor roles for your surfaces and switch the global safes over to role safes.)

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