Recall Stereo assignments

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  • #81318
    Profile photo of Poli84Poli84

    I was preparing scenes for a festival, but in the scenes I can not save and recall the settings of the channels set in stereo mode.
    It seems that this parameter is not saved in the scenes. it’s possible??
    I verified that there were no blocks on the recall safe page, but everything seems to be regular …
    thank you!!

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi @diegocaratellivirgilio-it ,

    As on page 47 of the reference guide (, this is a show level setting. This is because it requires the XCVI core to be rebuilt, which interrupts audio and therefore cannot be changed at a scene level.

    We are currently looking into ways to switch between mono/stereo control between scenes.


    Profile photo of Poli84Poli84

    Ok, I hope this feature can be added soon to facilitate the recall of setups in festival situations or recall scenes related to different jobs …
    In the meantime, we will use the “old” mode … paper and pen !!!
    Thank you.

    Profile photo of EthanEthan

    To get around this I have saved multiple shows and just recall those.

    Or on different scenes I make sure to use the same input channels for my stereo inputs: scene 1, input 1/2, is my electric guitar but on scene 2, input 1/2 is a computer audio line.

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