QU-16 Editor?

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions QU-16 Editor?

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  • #35325
    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    Any plans for an editor similar to the GLD Editor. The user interface looks very similar to the QU-16 and from what I’ve read, the command codes are the same.

    Profile photo of eurobuieeurobuie

    qu-16 pc editor would be ideal. used offline or online. this way we could prepair for shows like we do on larger desks without having to have the desk as well as having more control during the show. (01v has it)


    Profile photo of mamericamamerica

    We could also set up the next band while there is a band on stage during a festival.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Right now I can’t see the big need but I never like to criticize others ideas lest I have mine critiqued :-). I think with just 16ch plus 3 stereo it is not as big a deal as a larger desk for ops or pre band sets. That said, I think a case could be made for it making up for the deficiencies in the QU-pad as for online use away from console and ready for when the console expands inputs soon I hope. I would always be for anything to enhance the product. I love the GLD editor.

    Go for it.

    Mid-America Communucations.

    GLD80/32. GLD112/48. QU-16

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Offline editing is really useful for people who hire desks…

    It’s a valuable tool, and not one to underestimate…

    Profile photo of mumawumumawu

    Qu-16 Editor for Mac and Windows please. I think there couldnĀ“t be an easier way of configuring the whole desk.

    Profile photo of tonmeistertonmeister

    I would love to see an editor, too. +1

    Profile photo of losoundlosound

    +1 Editor the QU

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    Even an application that could simply create scene files to load via USB – although obviously a full editor would be preferred.

    Profile photo of LouLou

    Another request – offline editor! Please.

    Profile photo of MarkMark


    Profile photo of andrescarbonelandrescarbonel

    Please A&H we need the editor, please listen to your customers.

    Profile photo of Anonymous


    Profile photo of DavyDavy


    Profile photo of Anonymous

    1. This has been requested for more than a year now without even an answer. Give up.
    2. Mark doesn’t like the “+1” thing
    3. get a 747 if you don’t like the Qu

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