Playback/Record question

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  • #114574
    Profile photo of CimontiCimonti

    Trying to ultilize the Playback and multi track recording for the CQ18. I’d like to be able to:
    1. Upload pre recorded tracks in the first 5 tracks.
    2. Play Tracks 1 to 5 while we record with the band in tracks 6-10.

    1. I am unable to load Recorded Tracks. Device unable to detect from formatted SD and also tried a formatted USB.
    – Is there a specific folder i should drop the wav files in the SD?
    – It can detect in the STereo playback but NOT in the multi track tab.

    Please assist. Thanks.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    Record some tracks to the SD card. That will show you how to format them. If CQ is like the other A&H mixers, there is a very limited spec as to what will play.

    That’s just for playback, though. You’ll need to go USB to a DAW to do multitrack overdub recording, which is what you’re asking about. Reaper is cheap and excellent.

    Profile photo of CimontiCimonti

    That is so unfortunate and a huge missed feature. Just to clarify what I am trying to do is exactly same as below:

    I was attempting to move to CQ from the brand in the video. So is importing file to a Project not possible in the CQ? šŸ™ Hoping to not have to connect another device such as a laptop to do this step.

    Please advise. Thanks.

    Profile photo of nottooloudnottooloud

    A&H rec/playback has a very limited feature set. Using a laptop DAW is way more flexible.

    Profile photo of CimontiCimonti

    Yup. I noticed its very very limited and quite frankly a let down :(. my korg D3200 a decade ago and ZoomL12 from 5 years ago has this basic feature:(

    Profile photo of OgremicOgremic

    With so much dsp power it’s unexplainable why you need to carry extra hardware for such a simple task.

    Profile photo of CimontiCimonti

    exactly my thoughts. Thanks

    Profile photo of BRSBRS

    Early days yet – put in feature requests.

    I wanted to use tracks recorded on another device. I made sure they were 48KHz, 24 bit and named..
    (obviously letters can be anything – KICK,VOX etc.

    And replaced the WAVs in the CQ-MT001 folder which the desk had created for me on a short recording.

    All worked fine šŸ™‚

    It all worked OK when I switched over.

    Profile photo of rtmertme

    Ah, there are more who would like to have multitrack playback and recording simultaneously.

    Early days yet ā€“ put in feature requests.

    I just added the feature request here:

    Profile photo of bullmoonbullmoon

    I went through quite a hassle trying to get files I copied to the SD card to play. I found that Broadcast Wave files created in Nuendo were a NO GO! And no way to fix them other than to recreate them in standard Wave format. The Bwave files would actually cause the recorder function to lock up, or show as in use even while not, and become unusable without a power cycle. After I recreated the files as 48k/24bit Wave, they worked fine. There is a section in the manual that describes the folder structure and naming requirements.

    Not being able to overdub to empty tracks in a huge bummer for an otherwise incredible to me so far mixer.

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