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  • #56898
    Profile photo of DavidCoDavidCo

    6: Class Compliant so no drivers are needed for audio on either Mac/PC

    It already is. You may want to petition Microsoft for Windows to be class compliant 🙂


    Profile photo of ian.hindian.hind

    Few more things:

    Time stamping of the files while using Qu-Drive

    Qu-Drive capable of recording all 32 channels. My RME UFX can do 30 I/O right to a USB drive, so this isn’t a limitation of hardware.

    Qu-Drive multitrack channel on/off as recording 18 channels when only a couple are in use is a huge waste of space and throughput.

    Soft patching on the local I/O

    RTA over all GEQ and PEQ screens (it’s already there, just layer it on top)

    HPF on all outputs

    Tighter Q on PEQ for ringing out problematic frequencies

    Stereo separation for delay L&R, I currently use 2 soft buttons to get stereo delays (annoying)

    MP3 playback and recording of stereo files

    Hmmm, am I getting needy?

    Profile photo of Lee7Lee7

    “RTA over all GEQ and PEQ screens”

    Good call, a friends X32 has this feature and it is very helpful, saves flipping screens.

    Profile photo of mervakamervaka

    Perfect for mixing with your eyes.. Remember it’s already possible on Qu using GEQ flip while PAFL’d

    Profile photo of andrescarbonelandrescarbonel

    Digital inserts…
    I get tired of asking this … there’s even a couple of topics in the forum about it.
    all brands out there can do this job .
    many customers do not rent the qu series by this problem .
    Amazing that they can not fix .

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