Momentary Layer Change

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  • #116329
    Profile photo of MoMo

    Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I love working in the dLive environment (actually it’s my favourite live-console on the market right now), but I always miss one particular feature which I loved while working on a mixing console built by another brand. Unfortunatly I built a lot of my workflow on the other console…

    Is it possible to make the Layer-Buttons also “momentary”? Means: When I push and release them “short” – Layer changes like before (what else?).
    When I press and hold the Layer Button, it would change the Layer to the one I want to go to as long as I’m pressing down the button – releasing the button would let me back to my Previous Layer.

    Is it kind of understandable what I meant? Hopefully it is not confusinng at all… This function also working with DCA-Spills or Mix On Fader would increase my speed and flexibility on Monitor as well as on FoH position a lot.

    Thanks for reading!

    Greetings from Cologne, Germany!


    Profile photo of RuneSRuneS

    This is a really good suggestion. One that is simple to implement and doesn’t break or change anyone elses workflows. Do I need it personally? Absolutely not…I would forget it was there real quick. Should it be implemented? Absolutely.

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    +1 I could totally see how that’d be useful.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    +1 – I can also see where this would be very helpful.

    Profile photo of msteelmsteel

    I have used a mixer that did something similar for solo – short press and release would engage solo and latch it, and long press would engage solo until the button is released. I could see how that could be useful for layers too.

    Profile photo of JonathanJonathan

    +1 for how msteel suggested.

    Single press is a typical latch and switch to later, while a momentary hold switches back to the previous layer upon release. This is also similar to how most comms and push to talks work.

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