MIDI Soft Keys

Forums Forums dLive Forums dLive feature suggestions MIDI Soft Keys

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  • #84635
    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    Ability to program MIDI soft keys would be very helpful.

    Profile photo of SpooktSpookt

    <iframe src=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fnico.devroe%2Fvideos%2F869266726574496%2F&show_text=0&width=560&#8243; width=”560″ height=”315″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ allowTransparency=”true” allowFullScreen=”true”></iframe>

    Is that what you mean, i’m busy with it…

    Profile photo of SpooktSpookt

    Sorry, this will work

    Profile photo of mixJMmixJM

    I think you wanted to link this video:

    But this isn’t what I meant.
    Currently we have a limited number of Soft Keys available on the surface.
    My suggestion is the ability to expand the MIDI protocol, so external MIDI controllers with buttons/pads could be used as Soft Keys. It is currently partially possible, because MIDI allows to recall scenes, mute channels, etc. – but it’s not possible, for example, to assign MIX function (DCA spill, AUX send on faders) to a MIDI command.

    So again:

    MIDI Soft Keys allowing external MIDI controllers to be used as additional Soft Keys would be a great addition. 🙂

    Profile photo of magneticfieldmagneticfield

    + 1

    Profile photo of magneticfieldmagneticfield

    This, and select MIX through Midi (as in the iLive) It is fundamental, basic, very important. Please do it now.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I’ve asked them to update the MIDI protocol so every function is available, or, if that’s too hard, at least release the communication protocol that’s used for Director/MixPad/CustomControl so we can implement our own external controls.



    Profile photo of JohnrevivalJohnrevival


    Profile photo of syber_jedisyber_jedi


    Profile photo of lightingman117lightingman117


    My truncated list of improvements includes these:
    Midi Sel
    Midi Mix
    Midi softkey

    The problem is…which UI (director, surface, etc) do I send the command to?
    [Don’t want random midi softkey presses affecting all surface/UI/Director instances on the network… (needs to be specific)]

    Profile photo of WolfgangWolfgang


    Profile photo of LoloverdeLoloverde


    Or is there something new yet?

    Profile photo of MJCElectronicsMJCElectronics

    Some of the MIDI restrictions are possibly driven by business rather than technical concerns.
    Chamsys give their software away for free and unlock most features if you attach a piece of their hardware but one feature that remains locked is MIDI control inputs. This is specifically done to protect their hardware business. If you want to use MIDI you have to buy a dongle to unlock it at a price which makes using MIDI hardware as a cheap control surface unatractive compared to just buying some Chamsys hardware.
    I would expect the same thinking around fully implemented MIDI for dLive (or any other console).
    A fully implemented MIDI specification would allow use of cheap commodity MIDI hardware to be used as a surface which would potentially eat into A&H surface sales.
    You might sell more mixracks going this route but maybe if you run the numbers it still doesn’t make business sense.
    Remember in the grand scheme of things pro audio is still almost a cottage industry. Economies of scale just don’t exist like they do in the consumer world.

    Profile photo of Parker GannParker Gann


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