Linking 2 SQ5's and using Multitrack recording

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    Profile photo of SteveSteve

    I’m fairly new to Allen & Heath and I’m looking too hire in kit for a LIVE show and there are a few things I need to do and just need conformation if this can be achieved.

    X2 SQ5’s

    I need to record separately 20 individual channels on the in built multitrack using an attached large SSD for an on going recording over 12 hours each day. I am going to need to record a backup of this as not to rely on one recording. So I was thinking about linking X2 SQ5’s together using the onboard SQlink, and basically mirroring this on the second desk. Has anyone done this before as need to see if this is possible? Also has anyone had experience recording for this long duration of time without any issues?

    I also need to run a DX168 stage box on this system, so I’d need a SQLink expansion card on the first mixer to connect this, is this also all fine knowing the above info?

    If anyone thinks there is a more efficient way to do this please let me know.

    Profile photo of Dave MeadowcroftDave Meadowcroft

    Hi Steve,
    You can do this exactly as you describe.

    The problem you will have is due to the limitation of FAT32 (which the SSD will need to use to be recognised by the SQ) which has a maximum of 4GB file size.
    12 hours at 48 kHz (24 bit) is 5.8 GB per track. The max you can do continuously is 8 hours.

    Profile photo of Søren SteinmetzSøren Steinmetz

    A different way could be, if you could get them, to have a Dantecard in each SQ5.
    Then have 1 or 2 (or 3) computers running DVS (Dante Virtual Soundcard) and a tracking program as Waves Tracks Live (yes it is sadly no longer updated, how ever the last version works like a charm)

    That way you can record 32 channels from each console (via direct outs or Tielines) and have bot recorded in the same 64 track recording on each computer.

    Profile photo of tourtelottourtelot

    Reaper works wonderfully as a Dante recorder. I use it on my MBP all the time and I have never had a failure.


    Profile photo of SteveSteve

    Hi Dave,

    Thanks you for your response, I didn’t even think about the FAT32 situation!

    OK so another route I was thinking rather than DANTE, could I use both of the 32*32 USB audio interface connections on each desk to connect to 2 computers recording into Audition (or a general multitrack spoftware) that way? I know there is a limitation of only using the internal multitrack recorder or the USB audio interface on each desk, but I guess I could use Both audio interfaces on each desk at the same time?

    And another question with the 2 desks synced up, can I utilise all of the inputs and outputs on both desks over the 2 desks? creating a 32in and 24 out setup?

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Yes. If you connect the first console to the second console over SLink (SLink card in console that has the stagebox connected to the built in SLink port that is connected to the built in SLink port of the second console), then you can utilize I/O from both consoles. You’ll use tielines to route the I/O from the second console to the first console.

    Just keep in mind that you should measure the total latency when you use I/O on the second console. This type of setup is not part of the “automatic delay compensation” system of the SQ series and the latency will likely be longer than the advertised 0.7ms latency. Actually the 0.7ms latency is only when you use internal I/O. Even using a stagebox adds to this total latency. So even in a one console setup, using a mix of local I/O and stagebox I/O will result in different total latency times for each type of input. Depending on the inputs this may or may not be a concern, but it is something you should keep in mind when designing the patch list.

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