How do I actually add all these User Library Presets into QU16 then?

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu general discussions How do I actually add all these User Library Presets into QU16 then?

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  • #41951
    Profile photo of coffee_kingcoffee_king

    Ive downloaded

    02r96 eq and comp presets (17k)
    In category: Library presets.
    Uploaded by Mike Storm

    I have a USB stick, so how do I get them onto my QU16 please?
    In real laymans terms please with complete correct file structure if possible please?

    I formatted the stick in the QU16, then put it in my Mac to copy the files to but it didnt recognise the stick.
    So I formatted it in Fat32, created a folder called AHQU and then copied the LIBRARY folder from the download into it.
    I put it in the QU16 but it says its unsupported.

    Any help please?

    Ive searched the word IMPORT in the Instruction Manual and cant find anything

    Profile photo of MarkPAmanMarkPAman

    8.9 USB Data – Library transfer

    Page 52

    Profile photo of coffee_kingcoffee_king

    Cheers for that, but once Ive formatted it in QU16 and I then place it in my Mac its not recognised or selectable.

    So I then tried it on a Windows 7 computer.

    When I try to copy the info over to the USB it pops up (For every file)

    Property Loss

    Are you sure you want to copy this file without its properties

    The file LIB005.DAT has properties that can’t be copied to the new location
    Type: Dat File
    Size 512 bytes
    Date modified 22/11/2013 14:26


    but I continued anyway and followed the instructions and now I have them loaded into my QU16. Sp now its working.

    Thanks for the help.

    Profile photo of debzdoodledebzdoodle

    I’d like to download the library too but I am having difficulty.I am using a formatted USB stick that I have used before on the QU16. I re-formatted it and downloaded the library to it online. The console reads the disk, recognizes that there is data there but when I go to USB data, it shows no data.
    Can someone help me?? thank you

    Profile photo of coffee_kingcoffee_king

    Have you copied the .dat files into the library folder on the USB stick?
    If you havnt copied them to the LIBRARY folder exactly it wont find them.

    Profile photo of debzdoodledebzdoodle

    Yes I have. They are there when I check the USB on my laptop but the QU16 does not see them.

    Profile photo of coffee_kingcoffee_king

    Yes I have. They are there when I check the USB on my laptop but the QU16 does not see them.

    Sorry mate, but I cant help you nay further than this. I’m new to it all myself too. It just worked on mine.
    Have you tried a different USB stick?

    Profile photo of debzdoodledebzdoodle

    Thanks anyway….yes I tried 2 different sticks, an external hard drive and I even downloaded on my Mac and on my Toshiba laptop.

    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Not sure what the deal is with USB keys. I went through 4 the other day before I found one the QU would recognize. They were all formatted Fat 32. Why is this thing so finicky about that?

    Profile photo of debzdoodledebzdoodle

    The USB sticks and the external hard drive I am using are known to work with the QU16. I have used them for recording and data storage for shows/scenes. So they are not the problem.
    GCumbee, there is much discussion on here and other forums regarding suitable/compatible hard drives to use with the QU series mixers. There are quite a few to choose from ..

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