Help needed Sq drive recording failed
My last ssd recording failed and files are 0kb. It was a 10 channel 48k Mt recording on a 512 GB seagate ssd, formated from mmy Sq5 (fat32) used only 5 times before.
Did a MT test recording ( nr6), checked it and everything was playing fine.
Did multitrack recording, checked that everything was running ok – ssd led was blinking . Stoped recording after 1 1/2 hour, it stoped and everything was ok in display.
Checked that Ssd led was´nt blinking anymore – ok. Unmounted ssd and checked in computer. Lib was ok but wav files was 0 kb…. Seems like the files wherent ready even
though Led had steady light (not flashing).
Lib and file structure where ok AHSQ/USBMTK/SQ-MT007/TRK**.WAV 0 KB
Please stay in this forum so everyone with same problem can read it
Can i use any disctools to try and save my files?
Every help is much appriceated – we very much need the recording!
Best regards /Toffe