FX Return Level – Soft Rotary

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  • #95116
    Profile photo of Dave MeadowcroftDave Meadowcroft


    I’m a long time lurker here but a brand new SQ user – I purchased the SQ7 plus DX168 last week (and also bought the compressor and dynmamics packs) 🙂
    I love the board, it’s superb, sounds wonderful and the workflow is very intuitive. I’ve run three live acts with it over the weekend in a live music venue, a 9 piece Motown band, a 5 piece 80s band and a Cher/Pink solo all of which I’ve mixed before on the previous board and the difference is just huge!

    I made a list of things to post here as I was configuring it pre show and after the first show, all of which I have found solutions for except this.

    FX Return level to Main LR on soft rotaries is very useful but I would like the soft key linked with it to control the corresponding FX Send mute.
    If I do it using the FX Return level soft rotary assignment I can only control the return mute on the soft key so I lose reverb tails.
    If I choose FX Parameter for soft rotary assigment I can select Send mute for the soft key (or return mute) but return level is not an available parameter.

    I understand why it’s this way – but it would be useful if the send and/or return levels could be added to the FX Parameter options for the soft rotaries where the choice of send or return mute for soft key is already available.

    Thanks for a brilliant product. I’m a very happy customer!

    Profile photo of KeithJ A&HKeithJ A&H

    Hi Dave,

    Glad to hear you’re loving your SQ 🙂

    Would a DCA achieve what you want here?
    You can use a single DCA to control multiple FX send masters and when used on a SoftRotary, can assign Mute to the key.
    That way you would keep the tails and have the added benefit of being able to control multiple (and relative) levels from one rotary.


    Profile photo of Dave MeadowcroftDave Meadowcroft

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for the response 🙂

    Not really, as it’s the return level I want to control but the send I want to mute. 2 different signals I know but they are related by the common FX Slot which is why I suggested as an FX Parameter. I also tend to balance fx levels separately for each song rather than as a group so DCA isn’t the way to go.

    At the moment I’m working around it by having return levels for FX1-4 on Soft rotaries 1-4 but ignoring those keys, then FX Time for FX1-4 on Soft rotaries 5-8 with the keys set to Send mute and using those (I also have soft key 6 set to mute all FX returns too). This works but I’m burning all of my roataries to achieve it!

    It’s a nice to have rather than an essential though and I’m happy as I am – but that’s what this board is for 😉

    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    as a short tip… the DCA has this incredible spill thing… so you can build “POP” groups (population groups like on Midas Pro consoles) with a custom key
    to have the strips controlled by the DCA spilled across the console
    and it’s easy to add the FX returns in here as well, very handy to rearrange strips quickly

    I mostly build a DCA with all important channels and don’t touch the level… just to have them aligned on the surface…
    ok on dLive are enough DCA (24) to do this

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