“FX and High Frequency Issues on Allen & Heath SQ6 After De-Esser Add-On”

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  • #125970
    Profile photo of karlokarlo

    “Hi everyone,

    I’m encountering a problem with the FX on my Allen & Heath SQ6. After purchasing the de-esser add-on, all FX stopped working—there’s no signal in the FX send or FX return on any of the FX channels. Additionally, I’ve noticed the high frequencies are attenuated, making the sound feel dull and lacking clarity. I’ve already tried resetting the console, and I’m running the latest firmware, but the issue persists.

    Has anyone experienced something similar or have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated!”

    Profile photo of SQuserSQuser

    > I’ve already tried resetting the console
    How did you reset your console?
    And did you reload the show that was causing the problem after the reset?

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