I really like what you’ve done with the dyn8! I’ve only had it a few weeks and already it’s proven to be a magnificent tool. Today, for instance, I side-chain compressed the 900-5k range on an electric guitar that was fighting the vocals, (Keyed off vox,) while also compressing the low-mids on a self-key. <—that sidechain in the mid-highs is also useful for strings and vox fighting! Thanks for that!
One thing I think would make this compressor even more useful is the ability to set a “range,” to limit compression amount. The example that comes to mind is Fab Filter’s ProMB. Obviously you can adjust the threshold so that you’re just compressing less, but occasionally I find it useful to hit that threshold hard and then limit the amount of reduction to a certain db amount. DeEss, for instance, is particularly useful, as well as fighting proximity effect on finicky vocalist. Or, if you’re doing upward compression/expansion, limiting the amount of pump while hitting the theshold hard is sometimes a useful thing.