Yes you can. The DX168 runs at 96K so you keep the entire chain in the 96K domain. Be aware that the Me-1 and Me-500 run at 48K so if you want to use these devices you will need to add an SQlink add on card to run the ME1 or ME500 devices. Once you hookup the DX168, that line is now locked in at 96K. It will not “downsample” to 48K for the ME devices.
Careful Sparky, Joseph was asking about the DT, not the DX!
The DT168 requires a Dante card. To use the SLink port you’d have to go with the DX168.
As far as I can tell, the only significant difference between the two is the network scheme, so if you’ve got Dante infrastructure the DT might make more sense. But if you don’t, sticking with A&H’s ‘native’ format will require less configuration. AND it leaves your I/O spot free for future use.