Double patch virtual soundcheck

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  • #120208
    Profile photo of Matthew MixesMatthew Mixes

    Running into a situation now with a DLive file where 1-64 is configured as FOH channels and 65-128 is configured for MONs. We’re recording 1-64 inputs and wanting to dual patch the virtual soundcheck returns to both FOH and MON channels. The current VSC IO tab doesn’t allow this which is a bummer. The workaround is doing this via our DAW but would be so much more straightforward to do on the console.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian


    It would be nice to be able to double patch “inputs” in the virtual sound check setup. However as you noted, this just isn’t available right now with the way A&H has set up their software. It’s a limitation that isn’t confined to the Dlive system either. I know the Avantis system has the same limitation and I have to assume the SQ consoles do too.

    Profile photo of JacobJacob


    I encountered this limitation a few weeks ago.

    Profile photo of lposoundlposound

    Hi Matthew!

    There’s a very simple workaround to that limitation of the “Virtual SoundCheck” feature: use the ABCD feature on the inputs.
    I’ve been doing this for years and it’s no less convenient.

    Here’s my configuration:
    1. In the “Virtual SoundCheck” tab of the “I/O” menu, patch the channels to be recorded (direct outs) and switch to “Record Send” (leave that setting like that “forever”).
    2. In the “Inputs” tab of the “I/O” menu, set up my “live” inputs as “Input A” and my “virtual soundcheck” inputs as “Input B” > here you can patch a source to a channel as many times as you like.
    3. Set a Surface SoftKey to “ABCD Set All” – “Source A” to switch to “live” mode and another SoftKey to “ABCD Set All” – “Source B” to switch to “virtual soundcheck” mode.

    Hope this helps! 🙂


    Profile photo of ErikErik

    +1 on VSC “double patch” – it’s been asked before.

    LPO –
    good work around! I’ll definitely implement that next time I need this feature

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    The ABCD thing is a nice trick for people who aren’t using that feature for anything else. I need it for other stuff though. Oh well.

    Profile photo of DaveDave

    I guess the way I would solve it is to do VSC at the socket level instead of the channel level. That way double-patching and monitor/broadcast splits just work because the system thinks the signals are coming from the same sockets.

    I’m sure there’s a downside to this that I haven’t thought of.

    Profile photo of felixfelix

    Hi Dave. Can you explain that in detail please?

    my “workaround” is to do the double-pach on the dante side for VSC.
    but actually i’m looking for a way to use the channel direct out (post preamp of my main channel) as source for the split-channel?
    so the split-channel input source follows the ABCD and virtual soundcheck setting of my main channel.
    i’m seeing “ip direct outs” in the tie lines, but cant patch them to other cannel inputs.

    any recommendations?

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