Direct Out Settings

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    Profile photo of DubDub

    Please pardon me if this has already been discussed. I would like to see the tap off points on direct outs be per individual channel instead of global, if I am understanding how it works correctly. I have musicians who want to hear their channels post compression and others, mainly the drummer, who do not. Would it be possible to update the software to allow individual assignment of tap point? Thanks.

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Dub,

    This isn’t intended to take away from the feature request, but there are some different approaches to consider:

    – You could use tie lines as a post preamp signal instead of the direct out, leaving the direct out setting to what’s needed for the rest of the band.

    – You could assign the same input socket to 2 channels, one for FOH and one for monitors. This allows independent channel processing of the same input source (preamp settings will be the same for both channels).


    Profile photo of DubDub

    Thanks for the ideas Alex! If I understand you correctly, I could use a tie line post preamp on the drummer’s channels that go to the Aviom but leave the direct outs post compression? I’ve see the tie lines but have never used them. I’m not quite sure how to do the tie line. Would I tie to the same output?

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Dub,

    That’s correct!

    A tie line is a input socket to output socket patch, so it doesn’t use any of the channel processing.

    How are you connecting the SQ to your Aviom system?

    Does the drummer want all channels post preamp or just their drum channels?


    Profile photo of DubDub

    We are using the direct outputs on the board and a DX168 to provide 16 inputs to the Aviom. I have a few things grouped to an aux (toms) and sent to Aviom input module. The drummer did not like his sound when we switched the direct outs to post compression but everyone else was okay with it. His drums lost the punch and bottom so I am trying to help him out. He would be happy with just his drum channels being post preamp. Can a tie line and direct out be patched to the same socket?

    Profile photo of Alex A&HAlex A&H

    Hi Dub,

    Summing two sources can only be done by using a mix bus, it cannot be done by patching.

    If you want to sum inputs for the drummer, you could use an aux and then choose the channel source for the aux. This is done by pressing the Sel key of the aux mix, followed by the routing key. Then press the Aux Send settings button on screen. Here you can change the channel source to the most suited for the drummer.


    Profile photo of DubDub

    Yes. That’s what I did for his toms to save on outputs. If I can get his kick and snare post preamp to him I think he would be happy. Ill try the tie lines tonight.

    Profile photo of DubDub

    Tried the tie lines last night. Didn’t have much time before service to work with it. It actually caused the drummer not to hear the two channels I tried it with. They went out. I didn’t get a chance to troubleshoot why. Hopefully will get another chance tonight.

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