Define USB Stereo channels

Forums Forums SQ Forums SQ feature suggestions Define USB Stereo channels

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  • #100668
    Profile photo of SmalldevelSmalldevel

    It would be very helpfull to define the stereo record channels for USB- recording, from chanel 1&2 to antoher source.



    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    it’s senseless you can patch whatever you want to these two channels
    I can’t see no need to add another level of complexity

    Profile photo of SmalldevelSmalldevel

    Nice to see you Steffen. I was looking forward for your expert meaning. Great. That was so helpfull. Thank you so so much. You are the best member here. 1000 kisses.

    Please look at and read the answer from keath.

    In your world ,probably a Mixer with 1 input routed to 1 outputput with 1 Fader , is the best thing on earth. All other features are useless….

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