Channel linking of 10/11 not just 9/10, 11/12

Forums Forums Qu Forums Qu feature suggestions Channel linking of 10/11 not just 9/10, 11/12

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  • #42859
    Profile photo of ian.hindian.hind

    I find it strange how you can link two channels together side by side only on channels starting with an odd number.

    For instance, you CAN’T link 2&3, or 10&11. You could only do 1&2, or 9&10.

    It should be whatever channel you have selected will link with the channel to it’s right.

    Very simple thing, and it’s a pain to adjust your input list around this limitation.

    Tonight I ran two mic’s on a guitar cab, split hard L/R and couldn’t gang them because they ended up on 10/11.

    Profile photo of Flo84Flo84

    I think your request is friendly with


    Profile photo of SteffenRSteffenR

    Hmmm, this is common praxis for linking, on other boards as well
    so don’t expect a solution, but would be nice anyway…

    Profile photo of LKYLKY

    Better yet…

    Be able to link any/number of faders…

    Be nice to link say 5 on say a surround input…

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