Channel bus routing

Forums Forums CQ Forums CQ feature suggestions Channel bus routing

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Semetery Semetery 1 day ago.

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  • #123681
    Profile photo of UliPreiss

    This is a really critical feature for all applications dealing with broadcasting and conferences. A channel has to be applicable to busses or not. For that buttons are needed to take them in or out a bs or mix. Live TV interview connections or live sound multi-channel reinforcements where the speakers outputs are controlled by the Send faders can’t be done without this feature.
    And the fixed layout of having linked the 7 and 8 Mixes/Outputs only for Main kills some Jobs. All 8 outputs should be optional fully independent when needed w/ channels and mixes routed to them.

    The best way to implement it should be buttons on the ‘Config’ page and for sure in the ‘Sends’ pane of the channel edit window. There I would expect to find it. Very helpful on that way may be to implement 4 Groups.

    Kind regards,

    Profile photo of leesheph

    +1 for more flexible grouping and output routing options please 🙂

    Profile photo of Semetery

    Another +1

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