Hi,probably been asked many times, is there any chance of a new medium size DX I/O box. Sometimes the DX168 is a bit to small and the GX4816 is too big. I know you can cascade 2 x DX168 together, the size and expense is prohibitive.
A DX2412 would be a very useful size for club bands. I realise there is already the AR2412 48KHz box, trying to keep 96KHz the whole way in the SQ.
You are absolutely correct, A&H apparently is going to maintain tight control over their world class Prime I/Os: thus the $500.+ per channel investment required to deploy Primes via the Digico designed 4K DX32 housing will not be a viable option for most people. We must remember that A&H is the entry level entity in the Digico, Calred, A&H conglomerate: Digico sits at the head of the table and they certainly will protect the elite status they have historically enjoyed. It is clear to me the detailed transparency that primes deliver will be only for those applications that are capable of benefiting from that level of clarity: this pragmatical reality will exclude most commercial music produced in the world today from using Prime I/Os!