Bank 1 LCD screens problem

Forums Forums GLD Forums GLD troubleshooting Bank 1 LCD screens problem

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  • #59912
    Profile photo of RBRB

    Hello guys,

    middle 4 LCD screens of the bank 1 on my gld 80 console have gone bad. One line in the text is missing on all four screens and on all 4 banks. It happened on a gig the other day, outdoor gig, it was cold and very moist, even thought the console was covered with the original cover and a flight case until the show.
    Can I do something about it?



    Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

    Put it in a really dry place with some average heat. Let it dry out for awhile. See if that helps.

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    with a dehumidifier next to it

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