Avantis FOH + Avantis Solo (monitor) + GX4816

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  • #125159
    Profile photo of Eduardo_SchottenEduardo_Schotten

    I already have an Avantis and a GX4816 working. I would like to purchase an Avantis Solo to use as a monitor, sharing the same GX4816.
    My question is:
    Will the Waves V3 card work for this purpose, or should I purchase the GigaAce card?
    I do a lot of multitrack recording, so the Waves V3 card would be my best option.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    There are several ways to handle this. If you have a matching set of Waves, Dante, or Madi cards in both consoles, then you can definitely send audio back and forth between the different systems using those cards. However both systems need the card.

    You can also send the audio over the A&H proprietary connections. To do this you’ll need a Gigaace card in one of the systems, and a free built in SLink port in the other. If you are using the built in port for something else, then you’ll need a free Gigaace card in each system.

    Hopefully that helps.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    I should clarify a little better why you need the GigaAce card. You’ll need the GigaAce card in whichever system you need to connect the GX4816 to, along with the connection to the second console. You only have one built in SLink port and will need to connect to both the GX4816 and the second console. This requires TWO connections which is why a GigaAce card would be required.

    If the secondary console is also using the built in port already (perhaps it also has a stage box connected to it), you’ll need a GigaAce card in that console as well to connect to the first system. However if the built in SLink port is not being used in the second system, then you can use that port to connect to the first system.

    Profile photo of Eduardo_SchottenEduardo_Schotten

    Thanks for the help Brian.
    The Waves V3 Board, its only function for me would be multitrack recording and processing using the superrack performer.
    My question is whether I could use this configuration:
    1 Avantis “full” (FOH) with GigaACE card;
    + 1 Avantis Solo (Monitor) connected to the GigaACE card through Slink;
    + 1 GX4816 connected to the gigaACE card through SLink;

    I’ve already used a configuration similar to this with two Midas Pro2c and a DL251, where I shared the gain between the two consoles.

    Profile photo of BrianBrian

    Let me clarify that GigaAce cards only support a single device being connected to it. The “second” port only works as an redundant connection (which is optional so you don’t have to use it). In other words, you cannot connect two different devices to a single GigaAce card by utilizing “both” ports on the card. It simply doesn’t work like that. I say that because I am a little confused as to which console you expect to plug in the GX4816. It can be plugged into a GigaAce card or the built in SLink port on the console, but you cannot connect the GX4816 to a GigaAce card that is already being used for the connection to the other console (or any other device).

    As long as you understand that, and your question is more of a basic question of “will the GX4816 I/O be available on both consoles?”, then the answer to that question is yes. As long as your route the audio correctly, all I/O on all devices (local I/O on both consoles, the GX4816 and any other stage boxes connected to either console, as well as the Waves card I/O) can be made available on either or both consoles at the same time. Keep in mind that only one console (which ever console the analog inputs are connected to) will be able to control analog preamp settings, but both consoles can use the I/O like normal, and both consoles will have digital trim (I think +/- 30db) to ensure each console can adjust the gain structure if needed (and without affecting the other console).

    Hopefully that answers your questions.

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