Hi all,
I’m trying to figure out how to patch from my SQ5 to a Waves Soundgrid server.
I saw in one of the A&H videos from Keith that when patching to i/o ports, he recommends to keep a 1-1 mapping of SQ channels and outboard channels or it gets confusing.
Agreed. I get that and it’s fine for insert sends and returns for channels 1-32.
But the i/o port tab on the patch matrix only offers 32 channels. So what happens when I want to also send a AUX such as a reverb to Waves?
I’m not inserting on that AUX to send to waves so, far as I can see, the only way I can address the waves port is through the i/o patch matrix. But that matrix only goes to 1-32.. not 1-64.. so to send my aux I must use one of the 1-32 channels… let’s say I use 31-32. And perhaps I have some other Aux and some Groups to send as well. I can’t patch these input channels 1-1 anymore.
I have enough channels – I can see that: I can use the Waves i/o range 33-64 for the inserts on my SQ channels 1-32 to keep it regular (i.e a 32 channel offset) and keep 1-32 of the patch bay free for group sends or group inserts and aux sends but it does make it a bit harder as I don’t do 32 offsets in my head really well.
Why does the patch bay only present 32/32 on a 64/64 card? Is there a setting somewhere- I’m pretty sure I have looked everywhere?
Or am I thinking about this wrong?