Changing from Dante to Dsnake with scenes??

Forums Forums GLD Forums Archived GLD Discussions Changing from Dante to Dsnake with scenes??

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    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence

    I want to be able to do virtual soundcheck. I have lots of recordings that I made in Reaper over Dante from my LS9.

    I can change the input of each channel from the Dsnake to a Dante channel. Playback works fine.

    Now, I want to create a pair of scenes where one patches all the channel strips to the right analog inputs and the other patches the channels to Dante inputs.

    I tried a scene with everything but routing SAFE but it didn’t work so I guess I am missing something.


    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    Profile photo of StixStix

    Your two scenes need to contain just the Patchbay. Use the scene edit function. This is how it is done on the iLive but I’m pretty sure it’s the same on GLD


    Richard Howey
    Audio Dynamite Ltd
    Dual M-Dante/DVS, 17″MBP/Logic 9/Custom Mackie Control

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    “Routing” refers to the internal assigns within the console eg. input to group assigns, group to matrix assigns etc.

    “Patchbay” is what you want if you’re changing the “routing” to / from the outside world. I haven’t tried it but presumably it also contains the internal routing TO inputs, eg if you’re returning an FX unit to an input channel.


    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence


    I didn’t see a Patchbay in the scenes but will look again. Perhaps on the GLD it is a little different?

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    Profile photo of jdh28jdh28


    Originally posted by Rob Spence


    I didn’t see a Patchbay in the scenes but will look again. Perhaps on the GLD it is a little different?


    Make sure you are using the latest firmware – I think selecting the patchbay for scene recall was only added recently.


    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter


    Originally posted by Rob Spence


    I didn’t see a Patchbay in the scenes but will look again. Perhaps on the GLD it is a little different?

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    I/O patching is one of the options in the “Misc” tab (the rightmost) of the scene recall filter, I believe.

    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence

    Thanks. I found it in the Other tab.

    So, now another question to make sure I understand SAFE in the GLD.

    The safes are set in a scene and saved.
    So, when I recall a scene, is the safes in the recalled scene or the safes in the currently loaded scene that are in effect?

    I am thinking it is the ones in the scene being recalled. ???

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    Profile photo of eotsskleeteotsskleet

    No! SAFE Means that they will NOT change while load another scene..!

    For example CH1 has an overall SAFE… then it doesn’t matter if your next scene that you recall would have anything changed in it.. CH1 is still CH1 with the actual Setting!

    GLD-80 / AR2412 / AR84 / Qu-16

    Profile photo of gkhewittgkhewitt

    Best to use Recall Filter on the scenes. This is what we do (one scene for Switch to Dante, another for Switch to dSnake).

    Come next week we can easily email round show files to load into GLD Editor to show what we are doing :-)

    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence

    Ok, I need to read up on recall filter.

    Interesting trying to translate my Yamaha knowledge to the GLD.

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    Profile photo of jcarterjcarter


    Originally posted by Rob Spence

    Thanks. I found it in the Other tab.

    So, now another question to make sure I understand SAFE in the GLD.

    The safes are set in a scene and saved.
    So, when I recall a scene, is the safes in the recalled scene or the safes in the currently loaded scene that are in effect?

    I am thinking it is the ones in the scene being recalled. ???

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

    Recall filter settings are in the scene being recalled–they can be set up differently for each scene. You can either ALLOW the stored scene setting to overwrite the current desk setting or BLOCK from doing so.

    In addition, you can SAFE any input channel bus or mix, which prevents it from being overwritten during scene changes, even if the recall filter would otherwise allow it.

    For example–I mix FOH at my church and generally do one scene for each song to allow for song-by-song changes of things like channel mutes (if a guitarist switches axes), starting point for FX settings for that song, any song-specific tweaks to wedge mixes, etc. On the band channels I have recall filters set up to block preamp gains and allow about everything else (spoken-word inputs are completely blocked in the recall filters to ensure they don’t get accidentally changed by scene recall in a service).

    Sunday, it became pretty obvious after the room filled up that I needed some fairly major EQ surgery on the bass… so after I made the necessary tweaks I safed that input channel so the next scene recall wouldn’t go back to the (rather poor) PEQ settings I’d saved in soundcheck.

    Profile photo of Rob-SpenceRob-Spence

    Thanks for the great explanation.

    rob at lynxaudioservices dot com

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