Individual Channel Mute Group Override

Forums Forums Avantis Forums Avantis feature suggestions Individual Channel Mute Group Override

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  • #128109
    Profile photo of brazenaudiobrazenaudio

    It would be really nice to be able to override a mute group with an individual channel mute. When I have a group of band instruments muted, but want to bring the piano back for a bit by itself, I need to channel mute the entire band group, unmute the mute group, and then unmute the individual channels (in my example, piano) that I need. On other consoles I have used, I can press the channel mute button while a mute group is on to override the mute group. Of course, this would need to be an optional setting but would make my workflow much easier.

    Profile photo of Highflyer1953Highflyer1953

    Plus one for this! I do not need it often, and sometimes I know in advance that an instrument will be playing solo, so can remove it from instrument mute group, but have been caught just like you when sudden change in running order or other special happens.

    Profile photo of bmwpghbmwpgh

    Plus 2 for this!!!!!!!

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