Recording – analog vs digital

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  • #23552
    Profile photo of GSLC-TechGSLC-Tech

    On our GL3300, we used an AUX (post fader) to make our recordings. Last night I added all the vocal and instruments to an AUX and made sure that each was post fader (pre not lit). When I selected the AUX mix, the faders were not changing the level to the computer recording. Should this setup work and which ‘faders’ are used as post? I have not dug into the world of matrices, but apparently that might be the best solution.

    Rick Kohrs
    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – West Campus
    Verona, WI

    Profile photo of Chris93Chris93

    You need to “MIX” the aux master to show send levels to that aux on the faders. Pressing “SEL” leaves the faders in whatever mix they were in before but brings up the output processing for the Aux you selected. If it would be helpful for you to have the MIX and SEL buttons linked so that pressing either performs both functions, you can do this is the setup page.

    Also check in the I/O tab that you were actually feeding the recording device from that aux rather than some other mix bus. You can record to a flash drive too, which is cleaner/simpler than plugging into a computer if you’re only recording one or two tracks.

    Assuming you want to record into a computer from a mono aux here is how I would do it.

    1. Choose an aux. Lets say it’s mono aux 1.

    2. Go to the I/O tab and find the output socket that you have connected to the computer. Lets say you’re using output socket 25.

    3. (REF Page 24 on touch screen reference guide). Select output socket 25 by pressing it on the screen. Open the drop down menu and choose “Mono Aux”. In the number box choose “1” for both “start” and “end” and hit “apply”. The signal from mono aux 1 is now appearing at output socket 25.

    4. Press the “MIX” button on mono aux 1. The input channel faders are now showing you the send levels from each channel to mono aux 1. This is the same as the aux send knobs on each channel of your GL3300, but it’s on the faders rather than on knobs. You will probably want to set the send levels for each channel to unity (0) to start with.

    5. Check that the channels you want to record are assigned to the aux by looking for the “ON” indicators in each channel LCD. You can assign or unassign channels by holding the middle “MIX” key and pressing “MIX” on each channel.

    6. As you know, this is now the time to choose pre or post fader status for each channel in the aux. You can set these all to post fader either by holding the middle “SEL” key and doing it one channel at a time, or you can hold the middle “SEL” key and press “SEL” on the aux master, which will change all channels at once. It doesn’t do anything different, it’s just quicker.

    7. Press “MIX” on your LR mix, returning your faders to your main PA mix.

    8. Turn the Aux 1 master to unity (0).

    9. Turn up channel faders in the LR mix. Signal will appear at output socket 25.

    10. To make changes to the recording mix, press “MIX” on mono aux 1 and make your changes, then press “MIX” on LR to return to your PA mix.

    Can you spot any differences in that and what you were doing before? If changing the mix settings didn’t change anything that would suggest that you were recording a different mix than you thought you were.

    Hope this helps,


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