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  • #23379
    Profile photo of gkhewittgkhewitt

    Hi folks

    Has anyone else noticed a few oddities with scenes (and safes in particular?)

    We have a ‘default’ scene that contains our normal setup but also a ‘Dante’ scene that simply changes the IO patchbay to receive inputs from the Dante card rather than the D-Snake. In this Dante scene, everything is blocked in the recall filter, except the patchbay.

    However, when recalling the Dante scene, it also changes the strip assign and softkeys.

    The ideal would be to have the Dante scene setup so no matter how the surface strips are setup, just the patchbay will change.

    Is it just that there is no way to filter the strip assign and softkeys?


    PS. First ‘complex’ use of the GLD this weekend, switching from a standard setup this morning to a full choir this evening – setup is such a breeze now compared to our previous analogue setup/fudges!

    Profile photo of Anonymous

    I posted on this exact theme last week, I’m still working on refining it, but using one scene to repatch, and then in all the audio scenes make the IO safe. Then recall, the IO swap scene, then reset the audio workflow with the audio scene with safe IO is the only way I have figured out to do this and not lose config of items you can’t yet make safe.

    I have some business travel coming up, but will gladly post the midi for softkeys to do this when I get some time to copy if down.


    Profile photo of KJREngineeringKJREngineering

    Let me add to my last post, PLEEEEEASE give us an update that allows us to configure three soft keys as previous scene, next scene and GO! These GLD’s are perfect for High School theatre except for the lack of these features


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