Tweak update…

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  • #22474
    Profile photo of Anonymous

    There’s a thread around here somewhere that talks about the iPhone app desires… it’s getting lengthy. Here’s a new one.

    Here’s what I need on the next release of Tweak (or an expanded “Pro” version of Tweak)…

    -Mix Surface simulation, not just inputs. Inputs don’t always match the channel order of how my iLive surface is setup. I guess this would mean having the option to connect to the surface and not just the iDR MixRack (unless i’m missing something…)

    -MIX switches so that I can adjust monitors/aux while on stage

    -Softkey access

    -The option for multiple faders on the screen at once rather than just 1 channel

    -Meters would be good – it’s obviously doable since the Editor does it

    -This is pushing it, but i’ve seen some other people mention it… an App to turn your iPhone/iPodTouch into a personal monitoring device via headphones. Aviom killer??

    All-in-all, the Tweak is a great start! Definitely can use some refining, but incredibly useful already. I used it yesterday to stand out in Lobby and mix 2 mics of the feed going to the lobby. Awesome! A colleague and I used to have to stand within eyesight and motion to each other how much to adjust the volume when we had our analog mixer. NO MO!

    Thanks A&H!

    Profile photo of robcrobc

    Hi Clintage,

    Thanks for the feedback, you are not the only one requesting these features. We are currently busy on the ipad app and hope to turn our attentions back to itweak after that.

    thanks robc

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