There’s a thread around here somewhere that talks about the iPhone app desires… it’s getting lengthy. Here’s a new one.
Here’s what I need on the next release of Tweak (or an expanded “Pro” version of Tweak)…
-Mix Surface simulation, not just inputs. Inputs don’t always match the channel order of how my iLive surface is setup. I guess this would mean having the option to connect to the surface and not just the iDR MixRack (unless i’m missing something…)
-MIX switches so that I can adjust monitors/aux while on stage
-Softkey access
-The option for multiple faders on the screen at once rather than just 1 channel
-Meters would be good – it’s obviously doable since the Editor does it
-This is pushing it, but i’ve seen some other people mention it… an App to turn your iPhone/iPodTouch into a personal monitoring device via headphones. Aviom killer??
All-in-all, the Tweak is a great start! Definitely can use some refining, but incredibly useful already. I used it yesterday to stand out in Lobby and mix 2 mics of the feed going to the lobby. Awesome! A colleague and I used to have to stand within eyesight and motion to each other how much to adjust the volume when we had our analog mixer. NO MO!
Thanks A&H!