Moving Strips

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  • #22168
    Profile photo of oyvabeoyvabe

    Is there any way to move Strips easy at the T112?
    Ex: Let’s say I have made the setup of channels and strips layout in front of the show. At the soundcheck there come one extra guitar player and I want to have his strip to the left of the vocals. Is there a easy way to move all the vocals one strip to the right to get room for his strip? Block and move all or something else?


    Profile photo of StealthStealth

    Hi Oyvind

    The fastest way on the surface would be to block select where you would like to move the vocal strips to on the surface strip layout, then add the guitar channel to overwrite the duplicate left vocal channel.

    Another way would be to use iLive Editor – in the strip mode on editor you can insert a channel between 2 strips, this is done by dragging a channel strip between 2 other strips. This will then move all the current strips on the rightside of where you inserting the channel to the right depending on how many channels you are inserting.

    Hope you understand
    Best regards
    Sam A&H

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