Reply To: Qu-16 USB Recording and Streaming Problem

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Profile photo of philt80philt80

Yo. This is exactly the issue that I have been facing. I’m not sure if it is an A&H sub par ASIO driver or computer related. I would start with the computer. I believe that my issue (still ongoing) was a combination of my Samsung 840 EVO SSD and the AMD chipset on my motherboard. For some reason with that combination, the drive functioned fast, windows was super speedy, everything was great but I was at the end of the rope so I decided to take a look at it. I tried updating the firmware on the EVO drive and it kept crashing. A couple of google threads later I decided to wipe my drive and start fresh with a generic 7200 rpm HDD. Things have improved DRAMATICALLY. I use Samplitude Pro X2 and sometimes it will complain of dropped ASIO buffers but I have yet to encounter the buffer overrun that you and I experienced.

What are the specs of the computer you are recording with ie. specific hardware? What is the length of the USB cable? If you are using the Qdrive then all is lost 🙂

Also.. check out a program called latencymon… it will tell you which drivers are peaking the buffers. but I found that the application actually created latency when running..