Windows App for Qu Mixers

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of [XAP]Bob [XAP]Bob 7 years, 9 months ago.

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    Profile photo of jakethepeg

    Firstly, please excuse any ignorance in the following paragraph as I’m not familiar with connecting devices to computers..

    I have a Qu16 mixer and when using live a further 4-8 soft keys would be a real bonus and I wondered whether it would be possible for someone to build a windows app that gave a few buttons for controlling things like mute groups (if all it did was provide 4 buttons that turned the mute groups on I would be thankful!).

    Would this be possible or is this all tied up with the great Windows Daw Saga?

    Thank you.

    Profile photo of [XAP]Bob

    Windows as a desktop?

    It should be possible to issue the appropriate midi commands.

    If you have an iDevice then QuControl (not sure if QuControl is available on android) will do the job as well…

    Profile photo of David Haughton
    David Haughton

    Hi Jake, as Bob say, Qu-Control would be an ideal solution as this enables up to 15 programmable Soft Key for your Qu mixer. Qu-Control is currently iOS only, but I am hoping there will be an Android version along at some point in the future…
    As for Windows DAW control. We are closer to a release candidate, but there is some more testing to be done!
    Thanks. Harry.

    Profile photo of Ruud

    How long will the Windows DAW control last?
    I just bought a Behringer X-touch, because it seemed that A&H will not release a Windows DAW control for the QU-series in due time.
    So, if my QU-24 can do the job I hope I can return the X-touch!

    Profile photo of jakethepeg

    Thanks for the replies. I don’t have an ‘i’ device so can’t use the Qu-Control app.

    Bob, I take it that it’s possible to send MIDI commands without having DAW control? Who would be the best type of person to speak to about this? A software developer?

    Thank you!

    Profile photo of [XAP]Bob

    Yep. Are you an android man or a winphone man?

    (£30-40 will get an older iDevice on eBay)

    Profile photo of jakethepeg

    Thanks Bob.

    Windows computer, android phone. Phone is already used for qu-you app so was hoping to use PC for this job. And yes, I could get an idevice but have already got too many different bits of technology! 🙂

    When you say sending MIDI commands – could I use something like this? AKAI MPD 32


    Profile photo of [XAP]Bob

    MIDI over tcp…

    Profile photo of jakethepeg

    Thanks Bob. I did try googling your reply but couldn’t really make sense of the information I received.. I gather that MIDI over TCP is different to the technology used by the AKAI device and therefore it won’t work? Appreciate your patience!

    Profile photo of [XAP]Bob

    It is, but not as much as you might think.
    If you have that device then you might be able to run MixDroid in the background, with that plugged in via USBOTG and have QuYou on the top layer for your delight and delectation.

    So many options, it ends up sounding really complex…

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