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Profile photo of GCumbeeGCumbee

Sorry for your issues. But let this be a lesson. Hire a good reputable sound contractor next time who will install this system and train you how to use it.

Your wired mics on stage would plug into the snake stage box. Those channels would come up on the console channels in the LOCAL mode in the Source section. The wireless mics outputs would likely be near the console. Outputs plugged directly into the console. If on stage then into the stage box and those channels plugged into the console. Since you didn’t say you had a digital snake all your Source settings on the console will be LOCAL. Not Dsnake.

Your main LR out of the console would return back through the snake on return channels with appropriate connectors. Those channels could go from the
stage box to the K12’s. The K10’s I presume are monitors. Start with Mix 1 output on console. Use other return channels in the snake and out of the stage box to the K10’s. Same method as the Main LR. As for configuration not sure what you mean. The console is designed to work mainly on 2 levels. One for inputs and the top layer button for ST inputs and masters.

As for speaker placement. Typically the mains should be out in front of the stage not behind the mics but in front or hung forward of the front most mics. Monitors aiming up at the person on the mic. Mic pointing in same direction as the speaker points. Not at the speaker. That is a cause for feedback.

Hope that helps you some. I could do a drawing if you wish but might take a few days.

Sorry for my initial opening. I just have seen this too much. I have spoken at conferences about this very problem.

If you wish contact me directly at or call me anytime at: 270-559-2475